Отличное портфолио на HTML5. Какой шаблон в категории «Портфолио»вам нравится? Html шаблон студии с портфолио

Отличное портфолио на HTML5. Какой шаблон в категории «Портфолио»вам нравится? Html шаблон студии с портфолио

  • Портфолио графического дизайнера

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    дизайнеров, фотографов, сайтов-портфолио, креативных профессионалов.


    Интересный и стильный шаблон для сайта-портфолио. Продемонстрируйте все свои проекты в простой, но запоминающейся форме, которая поможет посетителям полностью сосредоточиться на вашем творчестве. Шаблон создан с учетом принципов юзабилити и следует трендам веб-дизайна, так что вам остается просто загрузить свои фотографии, настроить страницу для связи с посетителями и начать вести блог, чтобы продвигать себя в интернете.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Резюме UX/UI-дизайнера

    Резюме UX/UI-дизайнера

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    UX-дизайнера, UI-дизайнера, веб-дизайнера.


    Шаблон сайта-портфолио для креативного профессионала. Загрузите примеры работ в высоком качестве, покажите, что вы умеете, и помогите посетителям быстро связаться с вами с помощью контактной формы. В шаблоне использована анимация, удобные полоски-блоки с информацией, профессиональная галерея, куда можно загрузить фотографии, видеофайлы и добавить текстовые постеры. Любой элемент редактируется нажатием мышки.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Портфолио дизайнера интерьера

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    дизайнеров интерьера, архитекторов, сайтов-портфолио, профессионалов творческой сферы.


    Чистый и простой дизайн этого бесплатного шаблона сайта-портфолио прекрасно подходит для демонстрации ваших дизайнерских работ. Загрузите фотографии проектов, добавьте контактную информацию, настройте все элементы на свой вкус и опубликуйте сайт в один клик.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Портфолио архитектора

    Портфолио архитектора

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    портфолио архитекторов, дизайнеров и других профессионалов.


    Воспользуйтесь этим минималистичным бесплатным шаблоном сайта для создания стильного онлайн-портфолио. Представьте все свои проекты на главной странице с помощью галереи «Сетка». Добавьте к каждому изображению в галерее ссылку на внутреннюю страницу вашего сайта. Нажав на любое изображение, посетитель попадет на отдельную страницу конкретного проекта. Скройте множество страниц из главного меню, чтобы сделать навигацию по сайту простой и удобной. Добавьте информацию о себе, резюме и не забудьте настроить контактную форму, чтобы с вами было легко связаться.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Портфолио веб-дизайнера

    Портфолио веб-дизайнера

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    графических дизайнеров, веб-дизайнеров, фотографов, креативных профессионалов и сайтов-портфолио.


    Отличный шаблон для сайта-портфолио дизайнера - он поможет отразить вашу творческую индивидуальность и выигрышно представить все проекты онлайн. Просто добавьте свои фотографии и текстовые описания, отредактируйте любые элементы так, как вам нужно, и опубликуйте сайт в один клик. Не забудьте подключить свои аккаунты в соцсетях и настроить контактную форму для связи с клиентами.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Графический и веб-дизайнер

    Графический и веб-дизайнер

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    веб-дизайнера, графического дизайнера.


    Если вам нужно создать впечатляющее резюме, воспользуйтесь этим шаблоном сайта. Он состоит из двух страниц: биографии и галереи-портфолио, где каждое изображение кликабельно и ведет на страницу с более подробной информацией. Начните редактировать и замените примерную информацию шаблона собственными данными и изображениями. Вы можете добавить фотографии высокого качества в галерею-портфолио, чтобы продемонстрировать работы максимально эффектно. Любая деталь шаблона редактируется по вашему желанию.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Портфолио 3D-дизайнера

    Портфолио 3D-дизайнера

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    арт-директора, моушн-дизайнера.


    Шаблон для создания нестандартного сайта-портфолио. Любой элемент настраивается по вашему желанию. Якорное меню и галерея проектов на главной странице помогут быстро привлечь внимание и продемонстрировать работы. Каждый проект открывается на отдельной странице с фотографиями, видео и подробной информацией. Необычное меню раскрывается на весь экран и содержит три раздела: проекты, контакты и био. Начните редактировать и добавьте любое число разделов и страниц, чтобы выгодно представить себя клиентам.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Иллюстратор


    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    иллюстраторов, художников, дизайнеров.


    Иллюстрации, которые вы создаете, отражают ваш характер и индивидуальность. То же самое должен делать ваш сайт. Чистый и простой, этот шаблон идеально подходит, чтобы сфокусировать внимание аудитории на ваших работах, а приложение Wix Art Store поможет продавать цифровые файлы онлайн.

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Портфолио иллюстратора

    Портфолио иллюстратора

    Цена: Бесплатно

    Хорошо подходит для

    иллюстраторов, художников, дизайнеров, фотографов, сайтов-портфолио, креативных профессионалов.


    Лаконичный дизайн этого шаблона сайта-портфолио позволяет вашим работам говорить самим за себя. Ничто не будет отвлекать ваших посетителей от самого главного - галереи изображений. Просто загрузите свои фотографии, настройте страницу контактов и добавьте интересную информацию о себе. Ваш стильный современный сайт будет готов в два счета!

    Цена: Бесплатно
  • Жилая архитектура

This modern age is filled with great paradoxes and turnings of time and fate. As the world grows more connected and globalized, disparities seem to increase, yet opportunities conversely abound in this bright new era, ushered in by the total communication the internet has provided for mankind. And while the world’s largest nations and economies rise and fall in endless cycles, the business savvy, the entrepreneurs and the go-getters of the Earth are thriving in a world full of possibilities, where your talent and hard work, if unrecognized or unappreciated in whatever context you find yourself in, can just as easily be your sustenance-or even, your great success-elsewhere on this planet.

The internet is just the tool to help you find your place to shine, but you’ll get nowhere without a handsome, modern and appealing portfolio website, that acts as a calling card and an exposition of your skills, whatever your trade or craft may be-from artists and photographers to designers and architects, from engineers and decorators to constructors and landscapers, a portfolio is a place to start. And to start off in style and grace, nothing beats the top of the line web technology combo of a solid HTML5 framework with smooth CSS3 stylesheets. The following collection of website templates exhibits the best and brightest HTML5/CSS3 Portfolio Website Templates on the market. They won’t disappoint.

Explore 2.5 Million Digital Assets including 4,700+ Portfolio Website Templates

2M+ items from the worlds largest marketplace for HTML5 Templates, Themes & Design Assets. Whether that’s what you need, or you’re just after a few Stock Photos – all of it can be found here at Envato Market.



There is nothing else that you need in life when it comes to building the most remarkable portfolio website other than Divi. This is not just a tool for developing websites of all kinds. It turns you into a pro designed and developer in an instant and even if you are not one of those just yet. As a matter of fact, even if you are still a complete beginner, you can use Divi and craft a custom page for your online project to push your services and talent.

While Divi comes with quite a considerable amount of predefined material, you can always do things your way. Improve and edit what is at your disposal or create entirely custom layouts that fit your demands to the last detail. With Divi, anything is possible since the options you have are endless.


If you are looking to establish an or , you came to the right place. Webify is a spectacular portfolio website template that will get you sorted out in close to no time. Have in mind that the major part of the work is already done for you. From the technicalities to the web design, Webify rocks it all for your convenience. With the predefined demos, you can have a functional online portfolio, stuffed with your awesome contents, ready for the launch sooner rather than later.

In the package of twenty different samples, you will find four exclusive ones which are perfect for crafting modern online portfolios. To make you feel even more comfortable, approaching web development, you do not need to be tech-savvy to have a chance to work with Webify. Anyone can do it, beginner coders and those who are about to make their very first page, too.


Jevelin is a responsive WordPress theme that requires no previous knowledge for anything. It is perfect for lazy, non-programmers, or simply busy people. It comes with tons of demos and pre-built choices for page elements. Jevelin is well documented and even provides video tutorials to guide you all the way through. It uses a Drag & Drop page builder and a MegaMenu that simplify many panel tasks. +40 amazing shortcodes are also included to get creative and crafty! Additionally, Jevelin is essentially multipurpose and adaptable to browsers or devices. It is made with many possible actions, but only one real goal: quality page building. Also, special add-ons that make it great include WPML for translation and Google Maps. Moreover, you get to share your posts and new son anything you want with social media buttons.

Jevelin is also fast and optimized for navigation with SEO. It comes with +10 portfolio layouts and 6 blog pages too. Get it all ready to make commercial transactions and forms for potential customers. Furthermore, it has been integrated with awesome WooCommerce and Contact Form 7 plugins. Lastly, it will provide you with a child theme and free constant updates! Have a quick look, and you will not turn back! Go for Jevelin!


Marée is an exciting, easy to use and interest sparking portfolio website template for illustrators and designers. However, anyone can utilize the amazingness of Marée if you find the web design resonating with you. There are several different demos to choose from, all creative, original and innovative. While simple at first glance, Marée ensures a fantastic and unforgettable experience. Along with several predefined homes, Marée also includes loads of inner pages for your convenience.

Mix and match the available with your creative touch and personalize Marée according to your taste. Marée also comes with WPBakery drag and drop page builder, Revolution Slider, unlimited colors, online store section, three paginations and several custom-made shortcodes. You can quickly establish the exact online portfolio you want with Marée. That said, take action now and bring your project to new heights.

More info / Download Demo Molli

Molli is another magnificent solution for agencies and freelancers. If in need to sort out an attention-grabbing website as fast as possible, Molli is your best bet. Instead of starting from scratch, you can now go all-in with Molli and experience speedy and spectacular results. Once you see that all the work is already done for you, you will start creating the desired page with confidence and comfort. Have in mind, with Molli, you do not need to know how to code, thanks to the drag and drop page building technique.

Stunning index and internal page layouts await every Molli user out of the box. Feel free to use them precisely as they are or step things up a bit by introducing your originality to them. As mentioned earlier, any editing and improving happen with no need to know how to do any of the programming work. With Molli, you create a page like a pro even if you are still an utter beginner. Molli is also optimized for and SEO, responsive and cross-browser compatible. Get things going with Molli and shine on the internet.

More info / Download Demo Forzo

Forzo has a distinct touch to it, which easily sets you apart from the competition. If that is something that sparks your curiosity, you better check out the live preview of Forzo. Be prepared as the amazingness and innovative look with surely blow you away. You start working with Forzo by selecting one from four predefined home page demos. Whichever you choose, you can expect a banging outcome that will impress everyone who pays your online portfolio a visit. Forzo is striking, indeed.

Forzo sports a minimal look with strong attention to details. It has a fluid layout which effortlessly readjusts to all devices, from handheld to desktop. It is retina ready, . Additionally, Forzo includes two menus, blog, ACF Pro plugin, widgets and detailed UI. You can also translate Forzo to any language you want.

More info / Download Demo Mono

Everything that you need to build the perfect website for is available in the Mono portfolio website template. It is this creative tool with all the features and elements that you need to create your website. In the bundle, Mono has a huge amount of 38 home pages for you to find the ideal one easily. On top of that, Mono also comes with several different navigation layouts for a killer overall site experience.

Mono is built with Bootstrap 4 and the layout comes fully responsive and lightweight. Your works will always look amazing, no matter the device they use to browse it. Multiple page preloaders, over fifty button styles, different portfolio arrangements and even predefined footers, Mono is here to deliver. When it is finally time to get the page that you always wanted, all you need is Mono.

More info / Download Demo Quadra

Quadra is a multi-purpose, powerful and high performing template with creative individuals and agencies in mind. That said, you can also call Quadra a portfolio website template full of great assets and characteristics. It is one of those site skins that quickly adapts to all your needs and demands. In other words, it is the exact template you have always wanted to speed up the creation of your portfolio.

This tool practices all the latest and greatest technologies to ensure stability and smooth experience for all your visitors. No matter what you have to show off, this package is retina ready so it will always look amazing. With over seven hundred unique templates, you will never have to worry about your web design again. It is all done for you and is just waiting for you to jump in and use it. Let Quadra take the hassle of web design away from you.

More info / Download Demo Cvio

As a freelancer or a professional individual, you would want to expand your reach one way or another. A fantastic solution to reach new clients is by making a page that pushes your skills and talents over and beyond. To your luck, you can now get things going forward instantly with Cvio. This portfolio website template is packed with handy treats that you can put into play and shine online. You can now kick things off like a pro right away and establish a website that will help you scale your business to new successes.

First and foremost, with Cvio, you can build both a one- or a multi-page website. Moreover, you will also benefit from six different index and other internal page layouts. Mix and match the available, introduce your signature style and have a page all set sooner rather than later.


Ryan is an all-around and versatile portfolio website template for every professional who is looking to take his or her project to a new degree. Designers, programmers, app developers, freelancers and pretty much anyone else who is interested in building a personal website or an online portfolio can greatly benefit from the spectacular Ryan. Instead of doing all the heavy lifting yourself, save time and energy by using the powerful and practical Ryan.

In the massive bundle of features, you will find all sorts of goodies, like six preset color skins, page transitions, five layouts, dark and light mode, you name it. Build trust with testimonials, start a blog and let them get in touch with you via the integrated contact form. You will find Google Maps, too!

Of course, Ryan is also 100% mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible, ensuring a killer performance at all times.


Glitche is a modern, with a stunning and minimal look. It has loads of awesome features and functions which will help you create a striking web presence. There are four demos to choose from, but you can expect even more to drop with upcoming updates. Also, Glitche keeps on adding new amenities regularly to keep you stuffed with goodness for years to come.

Moreover, with the out of the box web design, you can quickly set up the desired page and shine online like a champ. Of course, you can also perform additional customization tweaks and make Glitche your own.

Other goodies include dark and light mode, one- and multi-page layouts, unlimited colors, six background options, Contact Form 7 and blog pages. Create a full-blown online presence with Glitche and take your project to new heights.

More info / Download Demo MacLaren

MacLaren is a stunning portfolio website template with a striking dark look. If you would like to establish a strong first impression, do things with MacLaren and shine online. It is a tool you can utilize out of the box or improve further. MacLaren also follows all the modern trends and regulations, making sure the outcome operates without a hitch on all devices and platforms. In other words, MacLaren is 100% responsive and flexible, cross-browser compatible and in tune with retina screens. The tool loads exceptionally fast to ensure A-grade performance.

Google fonts, Font Awesome icons, animations, Google Maps, Bootstrap Framework and SEO optimization are just some of the other goodies that you get with MacLaren. Additionally, MacLaren comes with in-depth documentation for you to have a breeze using it. That’s that, create an online presentation that will impact everyone and raise your potential of winning over new gigs.


You can expect magical things to happen when you get access to Wizzard portfolio website template. If not magical, than wizardy for sure. Anyhow, Wizzard is a stunning and original approach to portfolio canvases for agencies and professional individuals. Be impressed by the one-of-a-kind home page design and grab the attention of everyone who visits your page.

With Wizzard, you display your works and projects in a distinctive way, rarely seen anywhere else. Meaning, use it, go against the norm and stand out from the crowd. The original grid appears gorgeously on any screen due to Wizzard’s mobile-ready layout. On top of that, Wizzard also comes with an active contact form, a full-screen overlay menu and smooth scroll plugin. No questions asked, the final outcome will surely be one to remember.

More info / Download Demo Casely

No matter what your talent is and what type of work you would like to display, it is Casely portfolio website template that is always going to be the very best way to do it. In short, Casely is a creative and modern design that always looks great. That said, Casely is compatible with all high-tech devices and modern web browsers what makes it work flawlessly at all times.

Casely comes packed with amazing animations to wow all your visitors as soon as they reach the home page. There are over twelve sample layouts to check out before you decide on your final design. Put together with beginners in mind, Casely is easy to use and work with, built with valid HTML5 and CSS3. Casely makes sure that browsing and investigating your content and work is always a fun experience.

More info / Download Demo Arlo

Arlo is a superbly conceptualized template, following the notion of conveying fantastic service to its customers. This portfolio website template awakens your creativity by keeping things stress-free. However, it also takes business seriously. With various personalized layouts in store, you can design your site as an online resume, a portfolio or an interactive platform for your brand. In brief, with Arlo, you can hammer out the right website to take your business to a new degree.

This cracking template has a flexible and responsive layout, which enables you to present your products and services on all devices seamlessly. Core features include five homes, impressive and attention-grabbing animations, SEO, social integration, friendly support and more. You can also start writing a blog and let potential clients get in touch with you via the integrated and functional contact form.

More info / Download Demo Satelite

From the name alone, you could surmise that Satelite is all about establishing a strong reach with your prospects. In fact, this portfolio website template is packed with advantageous features that turns simple into lucrative. All the designs that Satelite has available for you are responsive, which makes viewing hassle-free and engaging. Satelite is one of those templates that will easily differentiate you from the masses and put your right on top.

Some of the very many features of Satelite are intuitive shortcodes, smooth scrolling, outstanding page transitions and full-screen overlay menu. Your website will also load super fast and deliver a cracking experience for every site visitor. What’s also pretty cool about Satelite is the fact that it offers a 14-day money back guarantee which is not that common in the template space.

More info / Download Demo Malena

An artist values his or her portfolio the most. If you are on the same boat, the Malena portfolio website template offers its services which you can take to your full advantage. If you are curious, here’s how it works. Creating a website with Malena is so easy, you can choose demos and other stuff or code your way out of it. Select from six available layouts and go from there. Mix and match the accessible components with your works and services and complete the process of establishing your online portfolio faster than possibly imagined.

Portfolio & CV

If you are looking for a remarkable approach to your web presence, is the way to go. This up to date page canvas will never go out of style and always treat you and your visitors right. There are both a light and a dark version to choose from, so you never feel like you are out of options. Bear in mind, the portfolio website template is also adjustments ready for you to tweak it to your needs however you fancy.

Along with all other great sections, the included portfolio is always the best way to showcase your works. It keeps all the visuals crisp and clean. Besides, the template is responsive and cross-browser compatible to smoothly adapt no matter the device or platform your visitors happen to use.

More info / Download Demo Funky

Funky offers you over two hundred interface blocks and two thousand premium icons to give you the very best portfolio website template on the market. You can check over one hundred demo pages to find the design that works best for you. From index pages to all other inner sections, with Funky, you save yourself plenty of time. Funky is a Bootstrap 4 template to always provide you and your users with a stable and seamless experience.

In the Funky kit, you will find single- and multi-page concepts what opens the doors to a new specter of possibilities for you. No matter what your talent is, Funky is here to help you out pushing it to the outer world. All the elements you find are reusable for you to create the exact space that your best work truly deserves.

More info / Download Demo Emily

For every photographer out there who is in need to showcase his or her work, Emily is the photography portfolio website template that you need. It is responsive, retina ready and practices all the modern technologies. Meaning, Emily performs extremely well across all platforms and devices. That said, expand your potential and attract potential new clients interested in working with you.

The code of Emily is clean and organized for beginners and pros to get the most out of it. Parallax effect, image slider, animated page transitions and social media icons, all these and loads more are the cool features of Emily. You also get a functional AJAX contact form and do not have to worry about the search engine optimization. Expand your reach, go online and push your photo project to the limits.

More info / Download Demo Gullu.ly

It is not only that the web design of this next template will surely spark your interest, but it is the name that will do the same thing, too. Meet, Gullu.ly. It is a creative website template for agencies willing to push their portfolio and services. While Gullu.ly is primarily for small businesses, many freelancers will find it a great fit for their projects as well. After all, Gullu.ly is a multi-functional template, easy to edit and simple to maintain.

Gullu.ly comes with four home variations, is retina ready, sports pixel perfect coding and cross-browser compatibility. Working contact form, documentation and fast and reliable support are also available to everyone who downloads the template. Take a test run by checking Gullu.ly’s live preview of the demos, four portfolio layouts and other goodies.

More info / Download Demo Inshot

For the most flexibility with galleries, check out Inshot portfolio website template today. It is a contemporary and responsive website template for photographers, as well as designers and anyone else who needs a quick way to put their work on display. Inshot will show your masterpieces in the very best light possible. It comes with seven different unique index pages and six different portfolio variations to choose from.

Due to its mobile readiness, Inshot works perfectly fine with both mice on a desktop and touching and swiping on a tablet or mobile device. You can also set up a Twitter feed to make sure your users always stay up to date with everything that you are currently up to. Besides, Inshot is also compatible with MailChimp subscription form for you to start capturing your visitors’ emails right away.

More info / Download Demo Alpha

If you truly want to have the power of web design in your hands, then you, undoubtedly, need Alpha portfolio website template on your side. In the bundle, you will find everything that you demand to craft an awe-inspiring space on the web. Alpha is great for resumes, CVs, vCards, as well as for those who want to appear differently. Whether you are a job seeker or a freelancer, having a solid online appearance will do you great.

Alpha comes with 38 HTML pages of which thirteen are home pages, nine are portfolio layouts and two ready for pricing tables. Blog and blog details included! Alpha comes with four different navigation and menu types that you can go through first before you settle on the one that you genuinely like. Whatever you have in mind, you are able to create it with Alpha. Jump in with both feet and develop a cracking page for your creations.

More info / Download Demo Sepia

This collection of the best portfolio website templates is a great resource for every creative mind out there, including photographers. Speaking of which, Sepia is an exclusive photo website template with more than 78 predefined pages, front and inner. As for the former, Sepia has eight at your disposal and more coming your way with future updates. Seven main styles of albums and four galleries are also available for you to push your works.

Sepia does come with Google Maps, Google Fonts, Font Aweomse icons, content carousel and a wide collection of other stuff. Building and customizing a page to your needs with Sepia is a solid opportunity to take your adventure to attain the goals you set for yourself. There is no time to waste anymore, start the process of refining your website today with Sepia.

More info / Download Demo Canna

You will not need to look any further than Canna when you are in search of a portfolio website template that works right for you. Canna is based on Bootstrap for the page pliability that you must not avoid in the mobile-first era we live. You get twelve stunning home page demos which you can use out of the box or adjust them to your requirements. When it comes to colors, Canna comes with six color schemes for you to quickly find the one that suits your branding best. But introducing other colors is possible, too.

More goodies of Canna come in the form of Revolution Slider, Hero video background, parallax sections and CSS animations. It also sorts out the process of clients getting in touch with you with an integrated and working form. Of course, you also receive exhaustive documentation so you never run into troubles.

More info / Download Demo Stash

Stash is a dynamic and versatile WordPress theme. It suits any person at any given moment as long as they have a project in mind. It does have potential to benefit those with and artistic side and all professionals. Stash is based on a Visual Composer block builder, +260 blocks and +85 to play with. Stash is also entirely responsive and has tons of customizations to make. It adapts to screens and devices with ease! In addition, dropdown menus help you out with that a lot. Stash counts with tons of specialized demos and pre-built options to get crafty. It is the best on image display and appeal. You will get Slider Revolution integrated for galleries and and 7 built-in portfolios. Set amazing detailed layouts with multiple headers, unlimited colors and blogs.

Stash will let you beautify backgrounds too with CSS3 animations and Parallax. Attract clients with amazing features and get them to appreciate what you offer! Stash is compatible, to impress you even more, with WooCommerce. Set gorgeous shops to make your site ready to make business. WPML for translations and Minimal Forms are also available. Overall, this is a fast and SEO improved tool that will simply make you feel reassured and listened! Don’t hesitate! Get Stash!


Massive is a truly humongous, vastly expansive, deeply resourceful, feature-rich and function-dense, graphically polished and visually stunning, endlessly flexible and easily customizable, fast loading and superbly modern HTML5 and CSS3 responsive multipurpose website template, a truly mindboggling website template that has been put together with the utmost care and thoroughness. The end result is a staggering 260 different, completely preconfigured HTML5 unique webpages for all sorts of different purposes and applications.

Among them, 85 entirely unique, creative and outstanding portfolio template pages make Massive a remarkable website template for all sorts of webmasters seeking to establish their online portfolio websites with a set of tools that is all-inclusive, thoughtful and polished, as well as capable of having a fully functional, fleshed out portfolio website set up and running within minutes, owing to the great amount of flexible, ready to use templates included with Massive. Over 15 preconfigured sliders can liven up any website whatsoever, while 6 different footer options keep things diverse and 20 different menu styles let your users explore your content just the way you want them to. What you cannot find ready-made outright within Massive, you can easily build yourself, with an excess of 150 custom-built shortcodes ready to deploy on any page you see fit. Massive-it really is the endless template.


Haswell is a visually accomplished and aesthetically minimalist, tasteful and fashionable, aesthetically polished and functionally resourceful multipage website template. It’s also highly customizable and extremely easy to use, function-dense and plugin-rich responsive HTML5 and CSS3 multipurpose template. The developers built this extraordinarily powerful website template with raw strength and sheer pliability. It seamlessly lends itself to a wide range of diverse uses and applications. They also suited Haswell uniquely for deployment among portfolio websites of all kinds and natures.

The developers uniquely constructed Haswell to add a layer of tasteful refinement to essentially any content it handles. On top of that, a wealth of diverse portfolio template pages included out of the box make hitting the ground running a matter of course with Haswell. You will have a fully fleshed out portfolio website within minutes, decked out with a diversity of customizable headers, menus, social media feeds, specialized video and image masks, containers and plugins, and so much more it will make your head spin, all packed into a stylish package based on the potent HTML5 framework, dynamic and and the wonderfully responsive and easily modifiable modular Bootstrap codebase, that renders your Haswell portfolio natively cross-compatible across all devices and platforms. What else can you ask for?


Jango is a completely customizable, visually expansive and highly graphically polished, functionally flexible and feature-rich, smart and cleverly coded, efficient and fast loading, modern and reliable responsive HTML5 and CSS3 multipurpose website template, an incredibly handy and powerful toolkit that has been deliberately crafted as an all-inclusive website solution for a huge range of different website applications, but that is peculiarly well equipped for handling the needs of modern, responsive and flexible portfolio websites of all kinds.

Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links that may result in us receiving a commission if you choose to purchase mentioned product. The opinions on this page are our own and we don"t receive additional bonus for positive reviews.

Грамотно составленное и визуально оформленное , в нашем случае, это отдельная страница, является важным элементом личного сайта или блога, любого специалиста, достигшего определенного уровня мастерства в своей профессиональной деятельности.
Страница портфолио, это такой своеобразный отчет, или визуальное резюме, с помощью которого, вы сможете наглядно продемонстрировать читателям и посетителям сайта/блога, набор наиболее удачных реализованных работ, будь-то фотографии, статьи, публикации, элементы дизайна и т.п.
У меня такой странички нет и, это с моей стороны, досадное упущение, которое нужно, как можно скорее исправить, над чем собственно в данный момент и работаю.
На бескрайних просторах глобальной сети, можно найти огромное количество готовых шаблонов страниц для организации портфолио, и разнообразие таких страничек, по-настоящему впечатляет. Так что, кому в лом вникать во все тонкости веб-дизайна и разработки, всегда смогут найти подходящий для себя вариант. Ну, а для страждущих познаний в сайтостроительстве, предлагаю разобрать пример адаптивной верстки, простой страницы портфолио, с фильтрацией выполненных работ по категориям, выполненной на , разбавленной привлекательным эффектом перехода, с элементами анимации .

Макет странички, исполняемый javascript и некоторые элементы оформления, выдал «на гора», замечательный веб-дизайнер и разработчик Kevin Liew (queness.com). При выборе оптимального решения, для меня было важно, это простота исполнения, функциональность плагина jQuery, корректная работа во всех современных браузерах, и учитывая всевозрастающую популярность использования различных мобильных устройств, для интернет-серфинга, адаптивность дизайна будущей страницы. Никаких вычурных, дизайнерских наворотов и тяжеловесных плагинов.

Базовый макет состоит из двух основных элементов пользовательского интерфейса, которые нам предстоит построить, это навигации по вкладкам для фильтрации категорий представленных работ, и сама сетка миниатюр с эффектом всплывающей подписи при наведении.
Для начала, чтобы все в итоге заработало, будет необходим jQuery не ниже версии 1.7.0. Если он у вас еще не подключен, то добавьте следующую строку перед тегом :

Запустите плагин MixItUp в работу, этот код вставьте после вышеуказанных файлов:

< script type= "text/javascript" > $(function () { var filterList = { init: function () { $("#portfoliolist" ) . mixitup({ targetSelector: ".portfolio" , filterSelector: ".filter" , effects: [ "fade" ] , easing: "snap" , // call the hover effect onMixEnd: filterList. hoverEffect() } ) ; } , hoverEffect: function () { $("#portfoliolist .portfolio" ) . hover( function () { $(this) . find(".label" ) . stop() . animate({ bottom: 0 } , 200 , "easeOutQuad" ) ; $(this) . find("img" ) . stop() . animate({ top: - 30 } , 500 , "easeOutQuad" ) ; } , function () { $(this) . find(".label" ) . stop() . animate({ bottom: - 40 } , 200 , "easeInQuad" ) ; $(this) . find("img" ) . stop() . animate({ top: 0 } , 300 , "easeOutQuad" ) ; } ) ; } } ; filterList. init() ; } ) ;

$(function () { var filterList = { init: function () { $("#portfoliolist").mixitup({ targetSelector: ".portfolio", filterSelector: ".filter", effects: ["fade"], easing: "snap", // call the hover effect onMixEnd: filterList.hoverEffect() }); }, hoverEffect: function () { $("#portfoliolist .portfolio").hover(function () { $(this).find(".label").stop().animate({bottom: 0}, 200, "easeOutQuad"); $(this).find("img").stop().animate({top: -30}, 500, "easeOutQuad"); }, function () { $(this).find(".label").stop().animate({bottom: -40}, 200, "easeInQuad"); $(this).find("img").stop().animate({top: 0}, 300, "easeOutQuad"); }); } }; filterList.init(); });

Отдельно рассматривать все опции плагина, смысла нет, по умолчанию выставлен довольно оптимальный вариант. Ну, если уж кого вставит на эксперименты с параметрами, пожалуйста, все в ваших силах.

Для формирования макета страницы и внешнего вида элементов, подключаете к документу парочку файлов . , один для базовых стилей, обзовем его например: layout.css и еще один маленький CSS файл normalize.css , для обеспечения лучшей согласованности браузеров в стандартном оформлении элементов:

< link rel= "stylesheet" href= "css/normalize.css" > < link rel= "stylesheet" href= "css/layout.css" >

Теперь разберем все по порядку, по возможности без лишней воды, доступно и понятно, на родном, многострадальном нашем языке.

< ul id= "filters" class = "clearfix" > < li>< span class = "filter active" data- filter= "app card icon logo web" > Все < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "app" > Приложения < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "card" > Визитки < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "icon" > Иконки < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "logo" > Логотип < li>< span class = "filter" data- filter= "web" > Веб- Дизайн

  • Все
  • Приложения
  • Визитки
  • Иконки
  • Логотип
  • Веб-Дизайн

На панели навигации, размещаем весь список работ, разбитый на категории. Нам необходимо каждую категорию портфолио через атрибут data-cat связать с тем или иным пунктом панели навигации в соответствии со значением в атрибуте data-filter . Путем сопоставления значений data-filter с data-cat , и будет выполняться фильтрация элементов портфолио по категориям.
Кроме этого, добавим к миниатюре, спрятанную до поры до времени, небольшую панель с названием работы и заголовком категории, всплывающую только при наведении на картинку. А чтобы легче сформировать внешний вид всей этой конструкции в CSS, пропишем соответствующие классы элементам:

< div id= "portfoliolist" > < div class = "portfolio logo" data- cat= "logo" > < div class = "portfolio-wrapper" > < img src= "img/portfolios/logo/5.jpg" alt= "" /> < div class = "label" > < div class = "label-text" > < a class = "text-title" > Хостинг Beget. Ru < span class = "text-category" > Логотип < div class = "label-bg" > .........

Хостинг Beget.Ru Логотип .........

Обратите внимание, что вы можете добавить ссылки к картинке или непосредственно в подпись, для того чтобы пользователь смог в полном объеме лицезреть все ваши труды.


Теперь, тихим сапом, переходим к самому интересному, к формированию в CSS общих стилей пользовательского интерфейса нашей странички портфолио и адаптивной её версии. В статье укажу лишь базовые (по умолчанию) значения, то есть без каких-либо фоновых картинок и подключенных шрифтов, все это, кому оно надо, можно увидеть в демо, или найти в архиве с исходниками.

.container { position : relative ; width : 960px ; margin : 0 auto ; /* Вы сможете видеть цепь переходов при изменении размеров окна браузера */ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; -moz-transition: all 1s ease; -o-transition: all 1s ease; transition : all 1s ease; } #filters { margin : 1% ; padding : 0 ; list-style : none ; } #filters li { float : left ; } #filters li span { display : block ; padding : 5px 20px ; text-decoration : none ; color : #666 ; /* добавляем немного тени для текста */ text-shadow : 1px 1px #FFFFFF ; cursor : pointer ; } /* изменяем фон категории при наведении */ #filters li span: hover { background : #34B7CD ; text-shadow : 0 0 2px #004B7D ; color : #fff ; } /* фон активного пункта категории */ #filters li span.active { background : rgb (62 , 151 , 221 ) ; text-shadow : 0 0 2px #004B7D ; color : #fff ; } #portfoliolist .portfolio { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box ; -moz-box-sizing: border-box ; -o-box-sizing: border-box ; width : 23% ; margin : 1% ; display : none ; float : left ; overflow : hidden ; } .portfolio-wrapper { overflow : hidden ; position : relative !important; background : #666 ; cursor : pointer ; } .portfolio img { max-width : 100% ; position : relative ; } /* по умолчанию подписи скрыты */ .portfolio .label { position : absolute ; width : 100% ; height : 40px ; bottom : -40px ; } .portfolio .label-bg { background : rgb (62 , 151 , 221 ) ; width : 100% ; height : 100% ; position : absolute ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; } .portfolio .label-text { color : #fff ; position : relative ; z-index : 500 ; padding : 5px 8px ; } .portfolio .text-category { display : block ; font-size : 9px ; }

Container { position: relative; width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; /* Вы сможете видеть цепь переходов при изменении размеров окна браузера */ -webkit-transition: all 1s ease; -moz-transition: all 1s ease; -o-transition: all 1s ease; transition: all 1s ease; } #filters { margin:1%; padding:0; list-style:none; } #filters li { float:left; } #filters li span { display: block; padding:5px 20px; text-decoration:none; color:#666; /* добавляем немного тени для текста */ text-shadow: 1px 1px #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; } /* изменяем фон категории при наведении */ #filters li span:hover { background: #34B7CD; text-shadow: 0 0 2px #004B7D; color:#fff; } /* фон активного пункта категории */ #filters li span.active { background: rgb(62, 151, 221); text-shadow: 0 0 2px #004B7D; color:#fff; } #portfoliolist .portfolio { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -o-box-sizing: border-box; width:23%; margin:1%; display:none; float:left; overflow:hidden; } .portfolio-wrapper { overflow:hidden; position: relative !important; background: #666; cursor:pointer; } .portfolio img { max-width:100%; position: relative; } /* по умолчанию подписи скрыты */ .portfolio .label { position: absolute; width: 100%; height:40px; bottom:-40px; } .portfolio .label-bg { background: rgb(62, 151, 221); width: 100%; height:100%; position: absolute; top:0; left:0; } .portfolio .label-text { color:#fff; position: relative; z-index:500; padding:5px 8px; } .portfolio .text-category { display:block; font-size:9px; }

Во второй части, прямо в этой же таблице стилей, с помощью нескольких медиа запросов создадим альтернативные секции CSS. Чтобы макет нашей страницы корректно отображался на экранах различных мобильных устройств, добавим и альтернативные правила CSS для разных экранов в эти секции. Тем самым мы запросто переопределяем любые правила, установленные ранее в нашей CSS таблице для обычных браузеров и добьемся той самой, вожделенной адаптивности.

/* Планшет */ @media only screen and (min-width : 768px ) and (max-width : 959px ) { .container { width : 768px ; } } /* Мобильный - Примечание: Дизайн для ширины 320px*/ @media only screen and (max-width : 767px ) { .container { width : 95% ; } #portfoliolist .portfolio { width : 48% ; margin : 1% ; } } /* Мобильный - Примечание: Дизайн для ширины 480px */ @media only screen and (min-width : 480px ) and (max-width : 767px ) { .container { width : 70% ; } }

/* Планшет */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) { .container { width: 768px; } } /* Мобильный - Примечание: Дизайн для ширины 320px*/ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .container { width: 95%; } #portfoliolist .portfolio { width:48%; margin:1%; } } /* Мобильный - Примечание: Дизайн для ширины 480px */ @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) { .container { width: 70%; } }

Вот и все. Наша замечательная страничка под емким названием «Портфолио» готова, остается лишь наполнить её своими не менее замечательными и выдающимися работами, и выставить на обозрение всему миру. Можно еще по тихому, скромно так, гордиться собой. Главное не переусердствовать в этом деле.
Смотрите еще раз пример и при необходимости забирайте исходники, на досуге, в тихой домашней обстановке, сможете довести до совершенства эту работу.

При создании урока использовался материал: . Оригинальная, девственно чистая, только что из под пера автора, страница портфолио, находится там же.

Удачи всем и с пользой для тела, провести остатки короткого лета!

  • About
  • Contact
a sleek design

Dummy Text:

This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial. You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.

The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.


The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.

This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial. You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.

The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.

recent work

Dummy Text: This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial. You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.

The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.

This design was produced for a photoshop and web development tutorial. You can see the first part up at PSDTUTS.com where you learn how to create a beautiful, but simple design using an abstract background and type.

The second part of the tutorial is available via NETTUTS.com where we do a quick build of the PSD into a viable, working HTML/CSS site.

" постепенно наполняется, и в названиях топиков становится трудно ориентироваться. Подумал, что лучше всего будет нумеровать подборки, если коллекция состоит из рандомных шаблонов, то есть не связана каким-либо смыслом или тематикой. Таким образом, сегодняшний топик получил название "Бесплатные на HTML5 и CSS3 . Подборка №1". Ранее я уже публиковал аналогичные коллекции , но отсчет пойдет именно от этой статьи.
Как вы знаете, я не любитель публиковать хлам. В первую очередь потому, что сам очень часто пользуюсь своими материалами. Вот и сегодня я сделал подборку из отборных, действительно крутых бесплатных адаптивных шаблонов . Все они адаптивные , то есть отлично работают на любых устройствах. Адаптивность - современный стандарт.
Итак. К вашему вниманию коллекция классных бесплатных шаблонов на html5 и css3.

RuddyRuddy - адаптивный html5 шаблон для Digital агентства или веб-студии , также подойдет для любого бизнес-сайта, выполнен в стиле Flat (). При прокрутке очень динамично и с различными css3 / jQuery эффектами появляются блоки.
Среди основных блоков - это последние статьи блога, перечень услуг, портфолио с фильтром работ, команда и блок контактной информации с картой.Wow PortfolioЯркий, адаптивный шаблон на Bootstrap 3 в красных тонах для создания портфолио фрилансера разработчика или дизайнера. Также подойдет корпоративного одностраничника студии веб-дизайна. В очень интересно сделано портфолио с эффектным hover эффектом.

LancarЕще один новый адаптивный шаблон для реализации портфолио IT-специалиста. Он выполнен на css-фреймворке Bootstrap. В шапке присутствует большое фоновое фото, которое, при желании, можно поменять. Сам по себе, шаблон довольно длинный. Среди основных блоков - это различные счетчики, портфолио, таблица с ценами и блок контактов.

FlatfyОтличный адаптивный html шаблон в плоском стиле с полноэкранным изображением. Отлично подойдет для Landing Page программы или приложения для смартфонов. Приложив некоторые усилия, можно адаптировать под любую тематику.

AlphaАдаптивный шаблон под названием Alpha от известного разработчика html5 UP. Их работы часто фигурировали в моих предыдущих подборках. К вашему вниманию представлен их, относительно новый, адаптивный шаблон для создания корпоративного сайта или сайта визитки. Помимо главной, есть еще ряд сверстанных внутренних страниц.

CostamarУниверсальный многостраничный шаблон в плоском стиле на фреймворке Bootstrap. Разработчики позиционируют его как шаблон тематики «Путешествия», но, на самом деле, выглядит все очень универсально и простая, банальная замена картинок (Если у вас нет картинок, вы можете найти много отличных изображений на бесплатных фотостоках , о которых я писал в предыдущей статье) способна преобразить его в нужный для вас вид.

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